CD School House 10
CD School House - Education and Games (10.0) - Wayzata Technology (1995).iso
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Text File
1,401 lines
.rem -----------------PRESS CTRL-G (Go) TO RUN THIS PROGRAM---------
.screen 0
.col 3
.cen(*Your Personal Computer Tutorial - Introduction*)
.cen(*by Alan Elliott, 1988*)
.col normal
│ ┌──────────┐ │
│ │ │ ▄ │
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ ° │
│ └──────────┘ ° │
│ ▄ ▄▄▄──▄▄▄ ▄▄▄──▄▄▄ │
│ │││││││ █▄▄__▄▄█ █▄▄__▄▄█ │
.locate 7,35
.color 10
.color 7
.play (*mft160o2l8cdep2*)
.locate 7,35 (* *)
.locate 7,36
.color 12
.color 7
.play (*fgap2*)
.color 14
.loc 6,35 (* IBM*)
.loc 7,35 (*PERSONAL*)
.loc 8,35 (*COMPUTER*)
.play (*bo3c*)
.col 14
.locate 14,64
.loc 15,64
│ │
.loc 16,64
.loc 17,64
.loc 18,64
.loc 19,64
│ │
.loc 20,64
│ │
.loc 21,64
.loc 14,1
.color 3
The IBM Personal Computer awaits your every command.
First, we must know how to tell it to do something. After
typing your answer to a question, you must press the
ENTER key (sometimes called the RETURN key). This key is
located on the right side of the keyboard. It looks like
the one pictured here.
.col 14
.pau(*Press the ENTER key once *)
.loc 14,1
.blank 9
.loc 18,1
.col 3
Very Good! This introduction to the IBM Personal Computer will teach you some
of the fundamentals of your PC. First of all, let's look at the various parts
of the computer.
.col 14
.pause (*Please press the ENTER key *)
.locate 6,50
.color 28
-- This is the MONITOR
.color 3
.locate 18,1
.bla 5
.loc 18,1
The computer monitor is used to display information, so that the computer can
communicate with you. Your monitor may display information in black and
white (or black and green), or it may display information in color.
.col 14
.PAUSE (*Press ENTER to continue*)
.locate 6,50 (* *)
.col 28
.locate 12,55 (*- The COMPUTER CONSOLE*)
.col normal
.locate 18,1
.bla 6
.locate 18,1
.col 3
The computer itself is located in this cabinet. You may have one or two
disk drives installed in the right side of the front panel of your computer.
These disk drives are used to store and read information from diskettes. We
will learn more about disk drives later.
.col 14
.pau (*Please press ENTER*)
.skip 6
.col 14
Ending a Tutorial
.skip 2
.col 3
If you wish to exit a tutorial lesson before reaching the end, press the
"Esc" key. This key is located on the top row of the keyboard to the left of
the "1" key. Pressing the "Esc" key will take you back to the menu.
.skip 2
.col 14
.pau(*Please press ENTER*)
.col normal
.loc 1,1
│F1║F2││ES║ 1║ 2║ 3║ 4║ 5║ 6║ 7║ 8║ 9║ 0║ -║ =║ -- ║NumLk║ScrLk│
│F3║F4││-│║Q ║W ║E ║R ║T ║Y ║U ║I ║O ║P ║[ ║] ║ │║7 ║8 ║9 ║- │
│F5║F6││Ctrl║A ║S ║D ║F ║G ║H ║J ║K ║L ║; ║' ║` ║ ║4 ║5 ║6 ║ │
╞══╬══╡╞═══╦╩═╦╩═╦╩═╦╩═╦╩═╦╩═╦╩═╦╩═╦╩═╦╩═╦╩═╦╩══╬═══╬══╬══╬══╣ │
│F7║F8││ ║\ ║Z ║X ║C ║V ║B ║N ║M ║, ║. ║/ ║ ║ * ║1 ║2 ║3 ║+ │
╞══╬══╡╞═══╩═╦╩══╩══╩══╩══╩══╩══╩══╩══╩══╩╦═╩═══╬═══╩══╬══╩══╣ │
│F9║F0││ Alt ║ ║CapLk║ 0 ║ . ║ │
.loc 1,16
.color reverse
.loc 2,16
║ 1║ 2║ 3║ 4║ 5║ 6║ 7║ 8║ 9║ 0║ -║ =║
.loc 3,16
.loc 4,17
║Q ║W ║E ║R ║T ║Y ║U ║I ║O ║P ║[ ║] ║
.loc 5,17
.loc 6,18
║A ║S ║D ║F ║G ║H ║J ║K ║L ║; ║' ║` ║
.loc 7,18
.loc 8,20
║Z ║X ║C ║V ║B ║N ║M ║, ║. ║/ ║ ║
.loc 9,19
.loc 10,19
║ ║
.loc 11,19
.color 3
.LOCATE 15,1
.col 3
This is a simple picture of the IBM Personal Computer Keyboard. Notice that
it looks very similar to a standard typewriter keyboard, especially the
high-lighted portion.
.col 14
.pau (*Please press ENTER*)
.color normal
.loc 1,16
.loc 2,16
║ 1║ 2║ 3║ 4║ 5║ 6║ 7║ 8║ 9║ 0║ -║ =║
.loc 3,16
.loc 4,17
║Q ║W ║E ║R ║T ║Y ║U ║I ║O ║P ║[ ║] ║
.loc 5,17
.loc 6,18
║A ║S ║D ║F ║G ║H ║J ║K ║L ║; ║' ║` ║
.loc 7,18
.loc 8,20
║Z ║X ║C ║V ║B ║N ║M ║, ║. ║/ ║ ║
.loc 9,19
.loc 10,19
║ ║
.loc 11,19
.color reverse
.locate 5,18
.locate 6,18
║A ║
.locate 7,18
.col 3
.loc 15,1
.bla 9
.loc 15,1
Let's try using the keyboard. Locate the "A" on the keyboard and press it
once. Notice that a lowercase "a" appears on the screen. Press the ENTER key
after you have typed an "a".
@Begin question
@trys 7
.col 14
@READ (*Press the "A" key once, and press the ENTER key :*)
@right (*A*) exact nocase
.col 10
Very, good. Let's continue.
.play (*t160l16o2cdefgabo3cp2p2*)
.col 12
Woops, enter a single letter "A", and press the Enter key.
.play (*o1a1p1p1*)
.loc 19,1
.bla 4
.loc 19,1
@end question
.col normal
.loc 5,18
.loc 6,18
║A ║
.loc 7,18
.col reverse
.loc 1,52
.loc 2,52
║ -- ║
.loc 3,52
.col 14
.loc 15,1
.bla 9
.loc 15,1
.cen(*Correcting a Mistake*)
.col 3
If you type in a letter or number by mistake, you can erase it by using the
-- key at the top of the keyboard. Each time you press this key, it erases
the character to the left of the blinking underline. (This blinking underline
is called the cursor and it tells you where you are typing on the screen).
.col 14
.pau (*Please press ENTER*)
.color normal
.loc 1,52
.loc 2,52
║ -- ║
.loc 3,52
.col 14
.color reverse
.loc 7,13
.loc 8,13
│ ║
.loc 9,13
.loc 7,50
.loc 8,50
║ ║
.loc 9,50
.col 3
.loc 13,1
.bla 11
.loc 13,1
.col 14
The Shift Key
.col 3
Now locate the two keys on either side of the keyboard which are gray, and
contain a picture of an arrow pointing up. These are "shift" keys, and are
used like the shift keys on a typewriter. When a shift key is held down, and
a letter key is pressed, an uppercase letter appears on the screen. Use the
shift to type an uppercase "A" by holding the shift key down, and pressing
the "A" key once.
@TRY 5
.loc 21,1
.bla 3
.loc 21,1
.col 14
@READ (*Enter an uppercase "A" here and press the ENTER key : *)
.col 10
Very good!
.play (*o2l16cdefgabo3c*)
.col 12
Remember, hold the shift key down, and press the "A" key once.
.play (*o1a1p1p1p1*)
.col normal
.loc 7,13
.loc 8,13
│ ║
.loc 9,13
.loc 7,50
.loc 8,50
║ ║
.loc 9,50
.loc 13,1
.bla 11
.loc 13,1
.col 3
The shift key is also used to type characters which appear as the top
character on keys such as the number keys at the top of the keyboard.
That is, a shift 1 key must be typed to get an "!".
Let's type something longer than one character...
.col 6
.col 14
.inf 1 (*Please type your first name, and press ENTER :*)
.col 14
.cen(*Forget the p's and q's - watch those l's and O's*)
.col 3
.loc 6,1
OK, (.inf 1), that's a good start on the keyboard. In the next lesson we will
talk about the parts of the keyboard that are obviously different from a
typewriter, but before that let's look at some subtle differences.
.col 14
It's not lO o'clock, it's 10 o'clock.
.col 3
On most typewriters you wouldn't be able to tell the difference. On your
computer monitor or printer you may have to look closely to distinguish the
number one (1) from the lower case "L" (l), and the number zero (0) from the
upper case letter "O", but your computer definitely knows the difference. If
you're used to using those keys interchangeably on your typewriter you will
have to mend your ways.
.col 14
.pause (*Press ENTER to continue*)
.skip 2
Starting from Scratch
.col 3
The computer is on, but how do I know someone didn't turn it on for you? Look
on the right side of the computer, toward the back, and you will see a red
switch. This is the computer ON/OFF switch. If you are using an IBM
monochrome monitor, the monitor automatically comes on when the computer is
turned on. Other types of monitors must be turned on separately from the
.skip 2
.col 14
Before You Turn it ON
.col 3
Before you turn the computer on, you should place the DOS disk (it
came with the computer) in drive A. It is a good policy to NOT turn the
computer on and off often. Many people follow the policy of turning on the
machine once in the morning, and leaving it on all day.
.col 14
.pau (*Please press ENTER *)
.col 14
.skip 2
The System Startup
.col 3
When you first turn the IBM Personal Computer on, you will normally
(1) see a cursor (which is a small blinking underline) appear on the screen
(2) hear a short beep
(3) see a message telling you to enter the date
.col 14
.color 3
The startup takes several seconds, so don't become impatient. During the
system startup, a self-test (or system checkout) is being made by the
computer. IF THE TEST FINDS SOMETHING WRONG, several numbers may appear on
the screen such as 0801 201. Write the numbers down and report it to your
dealer. The "SETUP" section in "Guide to Operations" describes this procedure
more throughly. The normal system startup appears something like this...
.col 14
.pau (*Please press ENTER to see a simulation of normal system startup*)
.col 23
.locate 1,1 (*_*)
.col 14
.loc 1,10 (*--cursor appears at top of screen, you hear a beep*)
.play (*mft120l2p2p2o3ap2*)
.loc 1,1 (* *)
.loc 1,1
.col normal
Current date is Tues 1-01-1980
Enter new date:_
.col 14
.loc 2,19 (* --The computer tells you to enter the date*)
.play (*mfp1p1*)
.locate 10,1
.col 3
After the self-test is finished, you may be prompted to enter the current
date and/or time.
.col 14
.pau (*Please press ENTER*)
.col 14
.skip 2
Tell it the Date
.col 3
When the computer asks you for the date, you can simply press the ENTER key
and not worry with giving the date. We recommend, however, that you go ahead
and answer the date question, especially if you will be saving any documents
on the diskette. The date on which documents are saved is recorded by the
computer and this information can be useful to you later.
.skip 2
@try 4
.loc 13,1
.bla 11
.loc 13,1
.col 14
Let's Try It
.col 3
Suppose today's date is November 1, 1989. You would answer the prompt "Enter
new date" by typing 11-01-89. Let's try that. Please answer the following
prompt with 11-01-89 (or 11-1-89 would also be correct)
.col 14
@READ (*Enter new date : *)
.col 10
Very good!
.play (*o2l16cdefgabo3c*)
.col 10
Very good!
.play (*o2l16cdefgabo3c*)
.col 12
Not quite right. Please read the instructions carefully.
.play (*o1a1p1p1*)
@end q
@try 4
.col 14
.skip 2
.cen(*Give it the Time of Day*)
.col 3
.skip 1
Suppose the time is 5 minutes after 10. You would answer the prompt
"Enter new time" by typing 10:05. Let's try that. Please answer the
following prompt with 10:05. Notice that you will need to press the shift
key, and the key with ":" at the top in order to enter the time.
.col 14
@READ (*Enter new time : *)
.col 10
Very good!
.play (*o2l16cdefgabo3c*)
.col 12
Not quite right. Please read the instructions carefully.
.play (*o1a1p1p1p1*)
@end q
.col 14
.pau (*Please Press ENTER*)
.skip 4
.col 14
.cen (*DOS is the Computer Manager*)
.col 3
.skip 2
DOS stands for disk operating system. This system is a set of instructions
that the computer must have in order to communicate, and perform tasks. You
have already seen DOS at work. This is the system which takes control of the
computer when it is turned on. A computer is "DUMB" until it is told what to
.col 14
.pau (*Please press Enter*)
.skip 3
.cen (*When is the Computer Ready for a DOS Command?*)
.col 3
Whenever you see a prompt such as
.col 30
.loc 8,3 (*_*)
.loc 8,1
.col 14
.col 3
.loc 10,1
the computer is ready for you to give it a DOS command. The letter before
the > sign tells you in this case that the "default" disk drive is drive A.
This prompt indicates that DOS is going to use the diskette in drive A
unless we tell it differently.
.col 14
.pau (*Please press ENTER*)
.skip 2
.cen(*File Names*)
.col 3
DOS allows us to name, save, get, and throw away files. Each file MUST have a
name. Let's learn about file names. In order to be sure that DOS "knows"
which file we are talking about, we must tell it what its name is and which
disk drive the diskette is in (unless it is in the default drive.) This is an
example of a filename.
.col 14
.col 3
This filename is broken into three parts:
1) the disk drive
2) the name
3) the extension
.col 14
.pau (*Please press ENTER*)
.col 3
Let's consider again the filename B:OVERDUE.LET. Its three parts are
discussed below.
.col 14
1) the disk drive - B:
.col 3
This is optional. If no disk is specified, the default drive is
.col 14
2) the name - OVERDUE
.col 3
This name can contain up to 8 characters. These characters can be
letters, numerals, and several other characters listed in the DOS
.col 14
2) the extension - LET
.col 3
This follows the decimal point and can contain up to 3 characters.
The same characters are valid as for the name.
(The extension is optional.)
.col 3
This name specifies that this file is on the diskette in drive B, and it will
remind me that it is a letter to customers with overdue accounts.
.col 14
.pau(*Please press ENTER*)
@begin question
@TRY 3
.col 14
.skip 3
Some valid filenames are:
.col 3
.col 14
Some invalid filenames are:
.col 3
THIS.FOUR - extension too long.
@EACH - uses invalid character.
AB:FILE - disk drive identifiers are only 1 letter long.
.col 14
Pick the VALID filename from this list:
.col 14
@READ (*Choose a,b,c, or d : *)
.col 10
That's right, (.INFO 1)!
.play (*o2l16cdefgabo3cp2*)
.col 12
No, (.INFO 1), the extension ".EXTN" is too long.
.play (*o1a1p1p1p1*)
.col 12
No, the filename "FILENAMES" is 9 characters long.
.play (*o1a1p1p1p1*)
.col 12
No, the extension goes on the other end of the filename.
.play (*o1a1p1p1p1*)
.col 12
Please give a one letter answer such as A,B,C, or D.
.play (*o1a1p1p1p1*)
.col 12
The answer is (C) ACCOUNT.MY
.col 14
.pau (*Please press ENTER, (.INFO 1)*)
.skip 2
.col 14
.cen (*Your Turn*)
.skip 1
.col 3
Suppose you want to refer to a file on disk B whose filename is TUTOR2 and
whose extension is CAI. Enter the name of this file, and press ENTER.
@TRY 3
.col 14
.loc 7,1
.bla 17
.loc 7,1
@READ(*Enter filename here:*)
@RIGHT (*B:TUTOR2.CAI*) exact nocase
.col 10
Very good, (.INFO 1)!
.play (*l16o2cdefgabo3cp2*)
.col 12
Not quite right.
Hint, the disk is B, the name is TUTOR2, and the extension is CAI.
.play (*o1a1p1p1p1*)
.col 12
The answer is B:TUTOR2.CAI
.col 14
.pau (*Please press ENTER*)
.skip 3
.cen (*The Directory Command*)
.col 3
There are a number of DOS commands. We will concentrate here on one
important command you need to learn first. It is...
.col 14
.col 3
This command gives a listing of the filenames of the files on the default
disk. It also shows you the size of the file (in bytes), and the date it was
created or changed last. If you wanted to see a listing of the filenames on
disk B, you would type
.col 14
.pau (*Please press ENTER*)
.skip 2
An Example Directory
.col 3
Below is displayed an example of a directory listing:
.col normal
AUTOEXEC BAT 128 5-07-86 12:00p
CALL EXE 36864 1-28-86 10:05a
DOS1 CAI 9728 2-10-86 9:12p
VT BAT 128 10-01-86 5:50p
MYPROG BAS 1028 2-11-86 4:32p
5 file(s)
.col 14
.pau (*Please press ENTER*)
.skip 3
.cen (*Your Turn*)
.col 3
.skip 1
(.INFO 1), suppose you wish to see a listing of all of your files on disk C.
Enter the proper command after the DOS prompt below.
.loc 9,1
.bla 15
.loc 9,1
.col 14
@READ (*A>*)
.col 10
That is right!
.play (*l16o2cdefgabo3cp2*)
.col 12
No, you must put the colon on the end of the drive specification "C:"
.play (*o1a1p1p1p1*)
.col 12
The command takes the form DIR plus the drive specification "C:".
.play (*o1a1p1p1p1*)
.col 12
The correct answer is
.col 14
.pau (*Please press ENTER*)
.col 14
.cen (*More on the Directory*)
.col 3
You do not have to ask to see the entire directory. If you want to see
just the listing for the file B:OVERDUE.LET, you could give the command
.col 14
.col 3
Suppose you have written several letters, and saved each of these letters
with the extension ".LET". You could ask for a listing of all of these
".LET" files on disk B by giving the command
.col 14
.col 3
The * to the left of the period means that you are asking for a directory of
ALL files with ".LET" extension NO MATTER WHAT THE NAME IS.
.col 14
.pau (*Please press ENTER*)
.cen (*Even MORE on the Directory*)
.col 3
If you want to see a listing of all files with filename MAGAZINE on the
default disk NO MATTER WHAT THE EXTENSION IS, the command would be
.col 14
.col 3
If you have several letters to different magazine editors stored in files
MAG1.LET, MAGA.LET, and MAG10.LET, all on the default disk, then you could
ask for a directory listing of ALL of these with the command
.col 14
.col 3
You should refer to the DOS manual for more on these so-called "Global
Filename Specifications".
.col 14
.pau (*Please press ENTER*)
.col 14
.cen (*Your Turn*)
.col 3
@TRY 3
Finish the statement below in which you wish to see the directory for
all files on the default drive (A) with the ".BAS" extension.
.col 14
Complete the following.
@RIGHT (*DIR *.BAS*) exact nocase
.col 10
Very good!
Note: Programs written in the programming language BASIC (see SOFTWARE
tutorial) are stored with extension ".BAS".
.pla (*o2l16cdefgabo3cp1*)
@RIGHT (*DIR A:*.BAS*) exact nocase
.col 10
Very good!
Note: Programs written in the programming language BASIC (see SOFTWARE
tutorial) are stored with extension ".BAS".
.pla (*o2l16cdefgabo3cp1*)
.col 12
Refer to all files with a ".BAS" extension by using the global symbol "*"
plus the extension ".BAS"
.play (*o1a1p1p1p1*)
.col 12
The answer is
.skip 2
.col 14
.cen(*Formatting a Disk*)
.col 3
.skip 3
Purpose: 1) Initializes a diskette so information may be stored
and read. Diskettes which are "right out of the box"
are not usable until they are formatted using this
2) It may place system files on the diskette. These
will be discussed in a few minutes.
.col 14
Note: Formatting will destroy any existing data on a diskette.
.skip 4
.pause (*Please press ENTER*)
.skip 2
.col 14
The FORMAT Command
.col 3
The following is an example of a Format command
.col 14
.col 3
In this command, we have indicated that we wish to format a diskette in drive
B, and that we want the system files to be written to the formatted diskette.
If we had given the command
.col 14
.col 3
the system files would not be placed on the formatted diskette.
.col 14
.pau (*Please press ENTER*)
.skip 2
.col 14
.cen(*More About the System Files*)
.col 3
System files tell your Personal Computer how to operate. If a diskette is to
be used to "boot" the computer, that is, if the diskette is to be placed in
drive A when the computer is turned on or "rebooted", you will need to have
the system files on that diskette. When the /S option is specified, you will
notice the file COMMAND.COM is placed on the new diskette.
.col 14
It's Your Decision
.col 3
If a diskette is to ONLY be used to store data, and never used to boot the
system, there is no reason to use the /S option. The system files take up
some space on a diskette. Therefore, if a diskette will hold 360K of
information normally, one formatted with the /S option will hold somewhat
.col 14
.pause(*Please press ENTER*)
.skip 1
.col 14
.cen(*Example Formatting Session*)
.col 3
If you issue the command
.col 14
.col 3
you will be instructed by the computer
.col 14
Insert new disk in drive B:
Press any key when ready
.col 3
After you follow these instructions, the diskette will be formatted. This
takes several seconds. When formatting is complete, you will receive the
.col 14
Formatting...Format complete
Format another (Y/N)?_
.col 3
It is a good practice to format an entire box of diskettes at once. That
way, when you need them while running a program, they will be ready.
.col 14
.pause (*Please press ENTER to continue*)
.skip 2
.col 14
.cen(*Your Turn*)
.col 3
.skip 2
Suppose you wish to format a diskette in drive B, and you want to
also transfer the system files. Enter the command you would use...
.col 14
@READ (*A>*)
@RIGHT (*format b:/s*) EXACT NOCASE
.col 10
Very Good!
.play (*o2l16cdefgabo3c*)
.col 12
Not correct, (.inf 1), try again.
.play (*o1a1p1p1*)
.col 12
The answer is ...
.col 14
.Pau (*Please press ENTER*)
.skip 5
.col 14
.cen(*Where to Find More*)
.skip 2
.col 3
Additional information about the FORMAT command may be found in the COMMANDS
section of your DOS manual. If you are using double sided disks, there are
additional paramaters you may want to use.
.col 14
.pau (*Please press ENTER*)
.skip 2
.col 14
.cen (*The COPY Command*)
.col 3
.skip 2
┌───────────────┐ ┌───────────────┐
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ │
│ O │ │ O │
│ │ │ │
│ FILE --------------------------->│ COPY of FILE │
│ │ │ │
└───────────────┘ └───────────────┘
.skip 2
The PURPOSE of the COPY command is to transfer files from disk to disk or
to copy a file to the same disk using a different name. It takes the form
.col 14
A>COPY old-filename new-filename
.pau (*Please press ENTER*)
.skip 2
.col 14
Example of COPY Command
.col 3
Suppose you had a file named MYFILE.BAS on the diskette in drive A, and
wished to copy it to a diskette in drive B. The command you would issue
.col 14
.col 3
1. If you do not have two disk drives, the command is still as above. The
computer will prompt you to switch diskettes back and forth in the single
disk drive until the copy is complete.
2. Since the name of the new file is the same as the old file (except for
drive), the command may be shortened to...
.col 14
.pau (*Please press ENTER*)
.skip 3
.col 14
Copying to the SAME diskette
.col 3
If you are copying to the same diskette, the new filename (the second
filename specified) must be different from the first. For example...
.col 14
.col 3
would create a copy of the old file "MYFILE.OLD" under the name "MYFILE.NEW".
.col 14
.pau (*Please press ENTER*)
.skip 3
Copying from a Drive Other Than the Default Drive:
.col 3
If you wish to copy a file from a drive other than the default drive (which
is usually A), simply specify the drive designation on the file
specifications. The command
.col 14
.col 3
would copy the file called MYFILE in drive B to the diskette in drive A.
.col 14
.pau (*Please press ENTER*)
@tries 5
.skip 2
.col 14
.cen (*YOUR TURN*)
.col 3
Suppose you wanted to copy the file named IBMPC from the diskette in drive A
to the diskette in drive B. Please enter the correct command.
.col 14
@READ (*A>*)
@RIGHT(*COPY IBMPC B:*) exact nocase
.col 10
Very good, (.inf 1)!
.play (*o2l16mfcdefgabo3c*)
@RIGHT(*COPY A:IBMPC B:*) exact nocase
.col 10
Very good, (.inf 1)!
.play (*o2l16mfcdefgabo3c*)
.col 10
Very good, (.inf 1)!
.play (*o2l16mfcdefgabo3c*)
.col 10
Very good, (.inf 1)!
.play (*o2l16mfcdefgabo3c*)
.col 12
No, not correct, (.inf 1).
.play (*o1a1p1p1*)
.col 14
.pau (*Please press ENTER*)
.col 14
The DISKCOPY Command
.col 3
Another handy command is DISKCOPY, which allows you to copy entire diskettes.
You should read the DOS manual for details.
.col 14
.pau (*Please press ENTER*)
.skip 2
.col 14
The TYPE Command
.col 3
Another useful command is the TYPE command. With this command you can type
out the contents of a file. If you wanted to type the file OVERDUE.LET which
is on the diskette in drive B, you could issue the command
.col 14
.col 3
Of course, if the file is in the diskette in the default drive, you can
omit the drive specification.
.col 14
.pau (*Please press ENTER*)
@TRY 5
.col 14
Your Turn
.col 3
Suppose you want to SEE what is in the file ACCOUNT.LST which is in the
diskette in the default drive (A). Enter the appropriate command below:
.col 14
@READ (*A>*)
@right (*type account.lst*) exact nocase
.col 10
Very good, (.inf 1).
.play (*o2l16mfcdefgabo3c*)
@right (*type a:account.lst*) exact nocase
.col 10
Very good, (.inf 1), but you didn't have to include A: since A is
the default
.play (*o2l16mfcdefgabo3c*)
.col 12
Not quite right.
.play (*o1a1p1p1*)
.col 14
.pau (*Please press ENTER*)
.skip 2
Some Files Cannot be TYPED
.col 3
Not all files can be typed out to the screen using the TYPE command. For
example, if you typed out a file called MYPROG.BAS, you might see something
that looks like this:
.col 14
.col 3
We will award a prize to anyone who can read this.
.col 14
.pau (* Please press ENTER*)
.skip 2
Standard DOS Files (ASCII Files)
.col 3
The TYPE command actually only works on standard DOS files. DOS files use a
standard set of printable characters called the ASCII character set where
ASCII is short for American Standard Code for Information Interchange.
Sometimes you will just have to try to type the file out to see whether or
not the TYPE is going to work - it doesn't hurt the file. Files with the
following extensions are usually not ASCII and cannot be TYPED:
.col 14
.pau (*Please press ENTER*)
.skip 2
.col 14
Read the Manual
.col 3
Once you have mastered the above commands, you should be able to read the
COMMANDS section of the DOS manual, and understand how commands
are given. The following commands may be useful to you.
.col 14
ERASE - get rid of files you no longer need.
RENAME - rename a file on the same diskette.
.skip 2
.pau (*Please press ENTER*)
.skip 2
.col 14
.cen (*Internal vs External DOS Commands*)
.col 3
.skip 2
As you are reading the DOS manual, you will notice that each command is
designated as an "INTERNAL" or "EXTERNAL" command.
.col 14
External Commands
.col 3
External commands reside in files which have a ".COM" extension. In order to
use these commands, the appropriate ".COM" file should be on the diskette in
the default drive. The command FORMAT, for example, is an EXTERNAL command.
Therefore, if you wish to use that command, the command file FORMAT.COM
should be on the diskette in the default drive.
.col 14
Internal Commands
.col 3
These DOS commands reside in memory and can be used at any time
you see the system prompt. COPY and TYPE are both INTERNAL commands.
.col 14
.pau (*Please press ENTER*)
@try 4
.skip 2
.col 14
.cen (*REVIEW*)
.col 3
The COPY command may be used to ...
1) Copy a file on diskette to another diskette.
2) Make a copy of your favorite 45 RPM record.
3) FORMAT a diskette so it can be used by the computer.
4) Copy one cat to another.
.col 14
@READ(*Please enter your answer :*)
@RIGHT(*1*) exact
.col 10
Very good (.inf 1)!
.play (*mfl16o2cdefgabo3cp1p1*)
@WRONG (*2*) exact
.col 12
No such luck!
.play (*mfo2l16co1bagfedcp1p1*)
@WRONG(*3*) exact
.col 12
You missed the boat somewhere in this tutorial!
.play (*mfo2l16co1bagfedcp1p1*)
@WRONG (*4*) exact
.col 12
Only if CATS is the name of a file!
.play (*mfo2l16co1bagfedcp1p1*)
.col 12
Your answer should be either 1,2,3, or 4.
.play (*mfo2l16co1bagfedcp1p1*)
.col 14
.pau (*Please press ENTER*)
.skip 2
.col 14
.cen (*DOS is Your Friend*)
.col 3
The Disk Operating System provides you with many commands to help you
manipulate your computer files. Use the DOS manual to understand more about
these commands.
.col 14
.col 14
.pau (*Please press ENTER*)
.col 14
.skip 2
.col 3
You have just completed this tutorial. Although these lessons will not make
you an expert, we hope they have given you a good foundation. You are about
to receive your diploma for completing this program.
.col 14
Press ENTER to receive your diploma.
.pau (*(You can print your diploma using Shift-PrtSc)*)
.play (*mbL8o2g2*)
.play (*g-ga4e2d2c2O1bO2cd4O1a1b2*)
.play (*o2c#d4ea2d2g2gg-4ed2*)
.col 12
* *
* *
* *
* *
* *
* *
* *
* *
* *
* *
* *
* *
* *
* *
* *
* *
* *
* *
.col 11
.loc 4,16
#### ### #### # ### # # ###
.loc 5,16
# # # # # # # # ## ## # #
.loc 6,16
# # # # # # # # # # # # #
.loc 7,16
# # # #### # # # # # # #
.loc 8,16
# # # # # # # # # #####
.loc 9,16
# # # # # # # # # # #
.loc 10,16
#### ### # ##### ### # # # #
.loc 12,37
.loc 14,1
.cen (*Completion of PC-CAI's*)
.loc 16,1
.cen (*C O M P U T E R T U T O R*)
.loc 18,1
.cen (*Presented to (.inf 1) *)
.col 14
.loc 23,1
.pau (*Press ENTER*)
By using this software, you have painlessly learned something about personal
computing. I hope you enjoyed these lessons. There are several other
tutorials for you to look at. They illustrate some more of the features of
.s 4
.pau (*Press ENTER*)